SIP is a tool that makes it very easy to create Python bindings for C and C++ libraries.

Learn it I shall.

I'm devloping several libraries to make combinatorial algorithms available to physicist. One of my goals is to provide an easy to use interface to these algorithms and make them available to Python.

SIP is a tool to create Python bindings for C and C++ libraries. It has been used to create Python bindings for Qt and KDE and supports Qt's signal-slot mechanism.

My Adventures

The SIP documention provides two examples for writing Python bindings. Another tutorial style introduction can be found on Donovan Rebbechi's page.

Here, I'm going to describe my own experiences with SIP. My first step was to work through the above examples to get a feel for the steps involved.

The documentation of SIP refers to SIP 4, which provides sipconfig, can create bindings for C functions, and works on Macs. But I'm using Sip 3.8 on SuSE 9.0 where sipconfig is not available. Donovan's tutorial includes his Makefiles.
